Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Two Peas in a Pod

    “What’s the worst possible thing you can call a woman? Don’t hold back, now. You’re probably thinking of words like slut, whore, bitch, cunt (I told you not to hold back!), skank.Okay, now, what are the worst things you can call a guy? Fag, girl, bitch, pussy. I’ve even heard the term “mangina.”Notice anything? The worst thing you can call a girl is a girl. The worst thing you can call a guy is a girl. Being a woman is the ultimate insult. Now tell me that’s not royally fucked up.” Jessica Valenti
      I am proudly to say that I am a feminist and strongly believer for equality of sexes. I am lucky and blessed to say that I was raised in a house that is completely against sexism.  However, my family is only a pebble in this society; this disgraceful world.   What is “feminism”? Feminism is a belief that males and females should both have equal rights. We are living now in 21st century, yet people still have to fight for their complete rights. We are still living in such a naïve world. I have never understood why women are a minority. I mean I know that women do not share the same power, privileges, rights, and opportunities as men which clearly explain why they are a minority. Stunningly, I STILL do not understand why women are a minority?! Another point, why are women seen as “weak creatures”? I truly believe that women and men are physically strong in different ways. Yes, boys are born with more muscle mass.  But, if a woman wants to work out with all her determination in order to build muscles, she could easily. However, are human rights related to muscles? Then, tell me, why are women a minority? Let me move to an important question that I have heard a lot, is feminism against men? ABSOLOUTELY NO. Actually, feminism believes that men are actually also oppressed in this stereotypical world.  Men are believed to be stiff and emotionless, yet how could a man be human if he lacks feelings? Men get taunted when they are seen crying or complaining. Is that fair for them? Of course it isn’t; I mean it isn’t their fault that they are born mere humans. Both, men and women, are mere humans that deserve to be on the same symmetrical level.  Both men and women should be free to be whatever they want to be!
     I guess being a meninist is such a trendsetting nowadays. I was shocked to know that meninism is formed in order to ridicule feminism. Now, I can’t really blame meninists because they all seem so stagnant; they are too lazy to educate themselves about what feminism really is. Wait, I can’t really blame those ingenuous men because they have misconstrued the whole issue due to some uneducated women. Those men misjudged feminism because some women started hating men so much.  Some women actually believed that feminism means that females should rule the world or something similar to that.  I find that really funny because feminism is a noble issue that is against sexism not against men. It is not only concerned about females, yet it is also concerned about males. A piece of advice to meninists, instead of  wasting you energy arguing with feminists, you should fight for trans men, gay men, male victims of rape,  and more essential issues.
    As Chimamanda once said “The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing how we are. Imagine how much happier we would be, how much freer to be our true individual selves, if we didn’t have the weight of gender expectations.” Feminism and meninism are great and amazing beliefs that should be taken seriously, for they both fight for the same issue. Unfortunately, some advocates of both groups are harassing each other due to their misjudgments and misunderstandings.  To sum it all, meninists and feminists should unite together to make their voices louder in order to make an effective difference. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


          It was late at night when Rania started to have ponderous and suffocating thoughts. It was like she was executing herself on her own bed. Wasn’t the bed supposed to be warm and peaceful? Then, why does it feel like a battlefield; a war between her conscious and reality? She thought about what she has done during the entire “heart-beating” and “lung-breathing” spectrum. Why do some people look down on her? Look down on her as if she is some kind of trash. Why hasn’t she yet discovered a cure for cancer? Wasn’t this one of her goals when she was younger? Why isn’t she married to her teenage celebrity crush? Wasn’t that part of her ambitions? Why is she not even thinking about that man anymore? Did her lusting feelings flee without announcing farewell? Why is she not talking to her parents anymore? Didn’t she promise them before moving out the family house that she would constantly talk to them every day until they get sick of calls? What about her “dream job”? Why hasn’t she fought and struggled for it? Why did she give up and settle on a job that could afford her food and shelter? Didn’t she want more than food and shelter? Didn’t she yearn for going out every night to fancy restaurants, dressing up in breathtakingly expensive outfits, traveling all over the world, writing a book, having her own chief, and etc.? Why didn’t her current job give her all those opportunities? Why doesn’t she have numerous friends? What happened to her high school and college friends? Where did they vanish to? They used to always talk to her and ask her to hangout incessantly. Okay, what about her body? Didn’t she always say that she will always go to the gym and work out? That she will always stick to a healthy diet and that she will always shop at an organic store? But why do the organic shops have to be so unbearably pricy? She can’t miraculously plant money?! Then why is she ugly? Why doesn’t she have time to look decent every day? Why doesn’t she apply good quality makeup to hide her flaws? To hide her blemished blemishes, her wrinkled wrinkles, and her redden red spots. Why doesn’t she contour her abnormal looking nose? Why hasn’t she decided on plastic surgery to plump up her tiny and chapped lips? Maybe that could attract a man.. Or attract someone! That night, Rania yearned to sleep to shut those thoughts much more potently than her yearnings to achieve her young goals. She recognized as she grew older, her desire to live diminished. She figured out that the older she grew, the harder reality slaps her.  That night, her tears were the mournful lullaby to her sleep. That night, she dreamt about going back in time.

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Favourite Shakespearean Sonnet

Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date: 
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; 
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st; 
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 

P.S Photo taken by me :)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

When Reality Slaps You in the Face

      READ TO EDUCATE YOURSELF. The one and only living definition of oppression, hatred, cruelty, tyranny, suffering, hardship, and you get the point. Fact number one: when I took this photo during my trip, the people surrounding me were cautioning me not to; Israel doest approve Palestinians to get closer to this wall. Fact number two: this wall divides this promised land into two and not two halves. Fact number three: this wall is gigantic and enormous!!! And it is all over the land.Fact number four; this wall is monitored by incessant amount of cameras just to insure Israel's safety and amity.  Fact number five ; all what Palestinians could do to this wall is to pour their suppressed feelings out on it by graffiti. Just so you know, this wall brings happiness to Israel while it brings sombre to us. It bothered me so much, just imagine how to affects local Palestinians there everyday. Israel can cross this border when ever they want, yet Palestinians can't even come one meter close to it. Imagine this border divided Palestinian schools, Palestinian homes, Palestinian gardens, Palestinian lives into two just so the wall or border could be symmetrical. This ugly and disgusting wall must vanish, yet when and how?!?! How do you feel now? The answer must be: shockingly educated.

"The three most beautiful women in the world: my mother, her shadow, and her reflection" Khalil Gibran

Today's Thoughts

Taken on 18th of January, 2015 at 11:00 am
      Do you ever feel like there is a ponderous weight sitting on you lips refusing to let you draw a smile on your face? We all went through it. Don't worry because you aren't that uncanny. So,this is my message to you lovely and beautiful readers;
There will always be a permanent reason why you should smile (of course as long as you're breathing), and that reason is yourself. Wait! Let me explain before you roll your eyes and stop reading! You are blessed to have yourself to love, to lean on, to support, to provide, to take, and to trust. Think about it; you might be all alone in a vacant and in a murky room, then you remember that actually you aren't alone, but you actually have yourself to believe in. You are your own saviour or villain, for when all hopes die and vanish, it is up to you to either stand still, or die emotionally and then physically.  Thus, be like the blazing sun. You should warm others by your cascading rays of joy and hope. You should invigorate everyone by your wisdom and positivity. The sun will always appear to help plants and flowers to blossom and to remind humans that they are still alive after the dark night. The sun teaches us that there will always be new days and new opportunities in which we could have that "one in a million" chance to reach our ultimate goals. Normally, the sun will always sacrifice itself to let the moon shine at the end of the day.So, you shouldn't ever be selfish and greedy. HOWEVER, the sun is not flawless; it causes burns and damages. Likewise, you can also cause turmoil and hatred. In other words, even nature has its dangers and flaws. To sum up, I hope I made few readers smile.
P.S I took this photo this morning.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


A Sanguine Solution
      We all got accustomed to those banners and advertisements that show us pictures of creatures that have faces stained with dirt, eyes filled with water droplets, and lips extremely dehydrated.  I think we all know who those creatures that I just described are; they are Africans. Those Africans get so much attention from the media more than ordinary people do in other continents. As a result, numerous numbers of celebrities have to go to Africa in order to grasp some of their attention.  We are raised in a society that encourages us to find an incredible solution for Africa. Well, I am proud to say due to my boredom and irritation with the subject of poverty and hunger in Africa, I have finally settled on a mind-blowing solution.  My solution includes three key points; it only requires bravado, it is unlimited to an age group, and it is completely free. My solution is to kill all suffering Africans. It is as simple as that.
      In 2013, it has been recorded that they are about 1.1 billion people in Africa, so it accounts 15% of the world population. Now, if we calculate the number of semi-dead people, they would be about 260 million people.  That is a large number of worthless people. Thus, we have to get rid of them somehow. The procedure isn’t only entertaining, it is also effective.  It only needs about 65 volunteers, and each one of the volunteers will have to kill 4 suffering Africans.  Those volunteers should be so determined to make a change in the world.  You might think that is incredibly an uncompassionate and an apathetic solution in which you would be unable to imagine be doing that. Well, if the American Army can do that to ingenious people then we can. If a game addict can to that to innocent virtual players then we can.
     This solution is beneficial and advantageous to Africans and to us. Firstly, more Africans will be able to die due to normal conditions such as diseases and heart attack.   In other words, Africa will not have to suffer famine, malnutrition, poverty, lack of drinking water, and etc. Also, the economy in Africa will improve greatly.  Not only will it improve the economy in Africa, but it will also improve and enhance the economy worldwide.  Instead of spending money on campaigns for Africa, we could use that money to build more businesses that contribute to the economic growth. As a result, there would be more opportunities for people to work, so it would resolve the unemployment crisis that we are living in. Furthermore, killing misfortune Africans means that our children will not have to watch intimidating and distressing scenes. Therefore, they will live a more optimistic and calming lives, for it is vital for our little ones to live their childhood in joy and amity.  Now, regarding the land, since a lot of people have a mirage about going to Africa for a Safari trip, I propose to use the empty land for tourism and entertainment.  It would definitely take a long time to build theme parks, shopping malls, resorts, houses, towers, and more .However, think about all the marvelous and fascinating money that we might gain.  Of course, all that doesn’t require killing the wild animals there, for those are precious.   We would be mistaken if we believe that the key for a better continent is to make Africans happy and healthy, yet it revolves around the animals there. If the animals are content and glad, then an influx of tourists would like to do whatever it takes to come and visit the “magnificent” land.  Now, the moment you have been all waiting, the most crucial benefit is cooperated with the history of Africa and the reality we are living in. Let us recall some ancient revolutions that had occurred in Africa; we all know that Africa had been occupied by various European countries such as Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, and France. Plus, nowadays, one of the predominant crises we are living in is overpopulation. So, how can we connect two facts to make an incredible idea that could solve all of our agony and disasters? (You probably guessed it.) Since we are willing to kill hordes of Africans, it is probably guessable and predictable that there would be vacant and hallow lands. In order to take advantage of it, powerful countries should negotiate over the division of the lands in which they could expand. When they expand, there would be more chances for numerous newborns.  Those powerful countries deserve more lands, so there people would live comfortably since they have a future ahead of them.  What is better than those superior and successful people?  They will do everything just to collect piles of money, throw their piles of money on useless stuff, get more money, get more children, and then the cycle begins again.  Honestly, we need more determined and witty people in the world instead of good-for-nothing and trivial “humans”?  All in all, killing all the useless Africans leads to an ideal life we all yearn for.
      It is the great idea that leads to ultimate achievements and accomplishments. You might think that I am lunatic and crazy, but do you have a solution to such a crisis? No, because we are too busy thinking about our own “tragic issues” that are much bigger than the struggles and the pain that Africans live daily. I totally agree on Hitler’s perspective when he said “I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”
Written By: Dana Kh.