Saturday, January 17, 2015


A Sanguine Solution
      We all got accustomed to those banners and advertisements that show us pictures of creatures that have faces stained with dirt, eyes filled with water droplets, and lips extremely dehydrated.  I think we all know who those creatures that I just described are; they are Africans. Those Africans get so much attention from the media more than ordinary people do in other continents. As a result, numerous numbers of celebrities have to go to Africa in order to grasp some of their attention.  We are raised in a society that encourages us to find an incredible solution for Africa. Well, I am proud to say due to my boredom and irritation with the subject of poverty and hunger in Africa, I have finally settled on a mind-blowing solution.  My solution includes three key points; it only requires bravado, it is unlimited to an age group, and it is completely free. My solution is to kill all suffering Africans. It is as simple as that.
      In 2013, it has been recorded that they are about 1.1 billion people in Africa, so it accounts 15% of the world population. Now, if we calculate the number of semi-dead people, they would be about 260 million people.  That is a large number of worthless people. Thus, we have to get rid of them somehow. The procedure isn’t only entertaining, it is also effective.  It only needs about 65 volunteers, and each one of the volunteers will have to kill 4 suffering Africans.  Those volunteers should be so determined to make a change in the world.  You might think that is incredibly an uncompassionate and an apathetic solution in which you would be unable to imagine be doing that. Well, if the American Army can do that to ingenious people then we can. If a game addict can to that to innocent virtual players then we can.
     This solution is beneficial and advantageous to Africans and to us. Firstly, more Africans will be able to die due to normal conditions such as diseases and heart attack.   In other words, Africa will not have to suffer famine, malnutrition, poverty, lack of drinking water, and etc. Also, the economy in Africa will improve greatly.  Not only will it improve the economy in Africa, but it will also improve and enhance the economy worldwide.  Instead of spending money on campaigns for Africa, we could use that money to build more businesses that contribute to the economic growth. As a result, there would be more opportunities for people to work, so it would resolve the unemployment crisis that we are living in. Furthermore, killing misfortune Africans means that our children will not have to watch intimidating and distressing scenes. Therefore, they will live a more optimistic and calming lives, for it is vital for our little ones to live their childhood in joy and amity.  Now, regarding the land, since a lot of people have a mirage about going to Africa for a Safari trip, I propose to use the empty land for tourism and entertainment.  It would definitely take a long time to build theme parks, shopping malls, resorts, houses, towers, and more .However, think about all the marvelous and fascinating money that we might gain.  Of course, all that doesn’t require killing the wild animals there, for those are precious.   We would be mistaken if we believe that the key for a better continent is to make Africans happy and healthy, yet it revolves around the animals there. If the animals are content and glad, then an influx of tourists would like to do whatever it takes to come and visit the “magnificent” land.  Now, the moment you have been all waiting, the most crucial benefit is cooperated with the history of Africa and the reality we are living in. Let us recall some ancient revolutions that had occurred in Africa; we all know that Africa had been occupied by various European countries such as Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, and France. Plus, nowadays, one of the predominant crises we are living in is overpopulation. So, how can we connect two facts to make an incredible idea that could solve all of our agony and disasters? (You probably guessed it.) Since we are willing to kill hordes of Africans, it is probably guessable and predictable that there would be vacant and hallow lands. In order to take advantage of it, powerful countries should negotiate over the division of the lands in which they could expand. When they expand, there would be more chances for numerous newborns.  Those powerful countries deserve more lands, so there people would live comfortably since they have a future ahead of them.  What is better than those superior and successful people?  They will do everything just to collect piles of money, throw their piles of money on useless stuff, get more money, get more children, and then the cycle begins again.  Honestly, we need more determined and witty people in the world instead of good-for-nothing and trivial “humans”?  All in all, killing all the useless Africans leads to an ideal life we all yearn for.
      It is the great idea that leads to ultimate achievements and accomplishments. You might think that I am lunatic and crazy, but do you have a solution to such a crisis? No, because we are too busy thinking about our own “tragic issues” that are much bigger than the struggles and the pain that Africans live daily. I totally agree on Hitler’s perspective when he said “I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”
Written By: Dana Kh.

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