Sunday, January 18, 2015

When Reality Slaps You in the Face

      READ TO EDUCATE YOURSELF. The one and only living definition of oppression, hatred, cruelty, tyranny, suffering, hardship, and you get the point. Fact number one: when I took this photo during my trip, the people surrounding me were cautioning me not to; Israel doest approve Palestinians to get closer to this wall. Fact number two: this wall divides this promised land into two and not two halves. Fact number three: this wall is gigantic and enormous!!! And it is all over the land.Fact number four; this wall is monitored by incessant amount of cameras just to insure Israel's safety and amity.  Fact number five ; all what Palestinians could do to this wall is to pour their suppressed feelings out on it by graffiti. Just so you know, this wall brings happiness to Israel while it brings sombre to us. It bothered me so much, just imagine how to affects local Palestinians there everyday. Israel can cross this border when ever they want, yet Palestinians can't even come one meter close to it. Imagine this border divided Palestinian schools, Palestinian homes, Palestinian gardens, Palestinian lives into two just so the wall or border could be symmetrical. This ugly and disgusting wall must vanish, yet when and how?!?! How do you feel now? The answer must be: shockingly educated.

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