Sunday, January 18, 2015

Today's Thoughts

Taken on 18th of January, 2015 at 11:00 am
      Do you ever feel like there is a ponderous weight sitting on you lips refusing to let you draw a smile on your face? We all went through it. Don't worry because you aren't that uncanny. So,this is my message to you lovely and beautiful readers;
There will always be a permanent reason why you should smile (of course as long as you're breathing), and that reason is yourself. Wait! Let me explain before you roll your eyes and stop reading! You are blessed to have yourself to love, to lean on, to support, to provide, to take, and to trust. Think about it; you might be all alone in a vacant and in a murky room, then you remember that actually you aren't alone, but you actually have yourself to believe in. You are your own saviour or villain, for when all hopes die and vanish, it is up to you to either stand still, or die emotionally and then physically.  Thus, be like the blazing sun. You should warm others by your cascading rays of joy and hope. You should invigorate everyone by your wisdom and positivity. The sun will always appear to help plants and flowers to blossom and to remind humans that they are still alive after the dark night. The sun teaches us that there will always be new days and new opportunities in which we could have that "one in a million" chance to reach our ultimate goals. Normally, the sun will always sacrifice itself to let the moon shine at the end of the day.So, you shouldn't ever be selfish and greedy. HOWEVER, the sun is not flawless; it causes burns and damages. Likewise, you can also cause turmoil and hatred. In other words, even nature has its dangers and flaws. To sum up, I hope I made few readers smile.
P.S I took this photo this morning.

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